Maryam Girls Teacher Training College was established in the year 2005 and registered with Ministry of Education on 17th March, 2006. It was officially opened by the Deputy Minister of Education Science and Technology, Hon. Richard Msowoya on 15th March, 2008. It is an initiative of an Islamic Charitable, Non-governmental Organization, Bilal Trust’

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Mission Statement

Education for knowledge power and honour Our mission is to raise a generation of young women intellectually, through the provision of teacher education to the highest possible standards, in an Islamic environment, suitable for any student, irrespective of background or
religious affiliation.

Vision statement

Inspired by the world view and the Islamic philosophy of the unity of knowledge as well as its concept of holistic education, MGTTC aims at becoming a leading national centre of education excellence for teacher training, which seeks to restore the dynamic and progressive role of the Muslim Ummah in all branches of knowledge for the young women and all mankind.
