Alhamdulillah, 94 Madaris and Centers are operative in the rural areas in several parts of the country. These provide Islamic education to children and women. We cater for more than 10,000 children meal everyday.
All the centers have a Masjid and a qualified Imam with five times daily salaah. At all such centers, a borehole is sunk for easy access to water for students as well as the surrounding community.
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A dedicated committee consisting of local community is appointed to oversee the running of the madaris and centre. In addition, inspectors are appointed to make daily visits and a report is submitted to the committee to take necessary actions. Alhamdulillah Rural Madaris has an active and committed board with all members participarting, contributing and attending the regular monthly meetings and completing the assigned tasks.
To fully manage the requirement of the organization, sub-committees were created with dedicated areas of responsibilities. This way all members have an opportunity to actively partake in the progress of the organization.
The sub-groups created are:
1. Construction and maintenance
2. Task Force
3. Fund Raising
1. Zone 14
2. Madaris 96
3. Nursery Schools 57
4. Rural Boardings 3
5. Tailoring Centers 2
6. Madaris Staff (Mualims) 109
7. Nursery Staff (Teachers) 102
8. Supporting Staff 62
9. Cooks for Nursery Schools 60
10. Inspectors 8
11. Madaris Students 7954
12. Nursery Students 4816